Monday, April 24, 2023

Why Have You Not Written Here For So Long?

I write a lot if I have never mentioned it before. And I write about a wide variety of topics. I very much enjoy every bit of the process of writing. As my bio suggests, "keeping the pen moving" is crucial to the process of continuing to write anything.

The reality is that Blogspot has been both a rewarding and disappointing experience for me across all the blogs I have on the system currently. 

This is not the only blog I have neglected for some time, although I do spend more time on The Springboard, which I consider to by my "hub" if you want to call it that. Needless to say, I have spent more time on other sites that offer a bit more interaction on my posts. Something I enjoy. And it always feels like I am reaching a wider audience than these blogs have been able to generate.

I should point out that I am trying to change that now, going forward, and am adding content to all of my blogs.

But over the years I have written in many different places. Bubblews, Daily Two Cents, Niume, WebAnswers, HubPages, and myLot. There has simply been more opportunity to reach more people and even to generate more revenue from my content.

And that's NOT to say that my purpose for writing is to make money. But let's face it, more money is what opens up more opportunities to write more since time is a valuable thing, and one of course has to eat.

Building an audience in this space is honestly a tough thing, even in those other spaces. It takes time. It takes a lot of content. And you have to be constantly incentivized to write anywhere based on the "reaction" you are able to get, and those other places have simply offered more.

That being said, I opened up a "fan page" of sorts on Facebook where I can direct people to go to follow more of the other things I write about and the places where I write. It's slow like anything is. I created the page many years ago mainly to highlight what I was doing on HubPages. 

Now I see it as more of an opportunity to have it be a "place to collect and share all of my work." 

At the same time, having that "one stop shop" to showcase it all gives me much more encouragement to get back to work on some of my other neglected blogs, such as this one, expand my audience, and make it easier for them to find what I am writing about.

Building from the outside in, so to speak.

The long and short is that over time I simply have not appreciated fully the value that Blogspot brings me, to have complete and full editorial control of my content, to post what I want and let the audience decide what interests them and what doesn't.

I have changed my mind and will now be adding content to all of my pages here on Blogspot, and hope you like what I am doing and will join me along my journey back.

As for this blog in general, while I generally pose questions as a topic to write an answer about, I encourage you to stop in and if you have a question you want me to try to answer I would love to give it a go.

Do you like the way I write or the things I write about? Check out my Facebook page at and get a peek at more of my writing elsewhere in the blogosphere.

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